Product and Service Evaluation

The hospitality industry is characterized by a unique blend of tangible and intangible deliverables at every stage of the customer's buying journey. Ensuring that we put our best foot forward at every stage is critical to maintaining a competitive position by meeting and exceeding customer expectations.

Key Components:

1. Comprehensive Review

We review each stage of the customer buying journey, identifying strengths and areas for improvement. This holistic approach ensures that every interaction enhances the overall guest experience.

2. Mystery Shopper Visits

Our Mystery Shopper visits provide an unbiased evaluation of your services from a guest's perspective. This valuable insight helps identify gaps and opportunities for enhancement.

3. Targeted Interventions

Based on our evaluations, we recommend specific interventions to improve your 'invitation to purchase.' These targeted actions aim to enhance your competitive position and convert a higher volume of customers.


- Enhanced Customer Experience

By addressing each stage of the buying journey, we ensure that guests have a consistently excellent experience, increasing satisfaction and loyalty.

- Improved Competitive Position

With strategic improvements, your business can stand out in the competitive hospitality market, attracting more guests and retaining them.

- Increased Conversions

Our recommendations are designed to optimize the customer journey, leading to higher conversion rates and increased revenue.

By focusing on both the tangible and intangible aspects of your offerings, our Product and Service Evaluation service helps you maintain a competitive edge and achieve sustained success in the hospitality industry.


By focusing on these five key areas, you can ensure a comprehensive and effective approach to managing the customer journey, from initial awareness to retention and beyond.


Ensuring our products and services are visible, attractive, and relevant to our target audience is crucial at the beginning of the customer journey. A clearly aligned message, visible across multiple platforms, helps capture attention and build interest.

Product and Consideration

Hospitality businesses often make the mistake of selling what they consider the best approach rather than providing customers with an attractive 'invitation to purchase.' Price is only one element of the purchase process. Presenting the product with unique selling points and a strong value proposition is key to enticing potential guests.


Flexibility, reasonable terms and conditions, early bird offers, and add-ons are important considerations as the customer decides between your property and nearby competitors. Providing clear and transparent purchase information can significantly boost sales.


This is the moment of truth when the customer experiences your product and service. Elements such as customer service, product quality, timely delivery, ambiance, health and safety, and facilities management are crucial in determining your ability to generate repeat customers.

User-Generated Content (UGC)

With more than 75% of customers referring to UGC before making a purchase, the feedback that customers provide about your product and service is imperative for new business development. A well-defined UGC strategy ensures your product and service are represented correctly, leveraging positive customer experiences to attract new guests.

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